

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Altered Container

To think this was an ugly container.
Thanks to inspiration from "Punky Sprouts Blog" and some of their emblishments it is now a new inspiration on its own to make me want to color, color, color even more.

Before look
The 'Before' picture.  Altered to be a color pencil holder.
 PunkySprouts: Lil' Blooms & Lil' Blossoms Parchment
 Pink Paisle: ribbon & doodad's - 'My Love' felt sprocket sticker
 Design Paper: K&CO
 Spotted Canary: glittered swirls
 Modpodge, decorative crayons,
 Flowers: handmade along with other Miscellaneous

I love to color my drawings and now when I look at my container it will make me want to color even more. These colors were inspired by  "Punky Sprouts June Challenge'..I love these colors and have them in my craftroom so it turned out to be perfect. I am going to submit this altered piece for a chance to win more of their emblessments...they have a new online Store .  I am hoping you will go check it out.  I am also in the middle of working on a Punky Sprouts, 'Teenie Beanie' album.."would be nice to win some emblishments from them.
This project was fun..Next I am inspired in adding to my To-Do wish list is alter a cigar box with some of 'Punky Sprouts' new Lil Blooms/Lacy and their new Denim-Funky Punky line..they would look and be a great emblishment.  Along with Pink Paislee paper I have already  picked.  I don't work for.. just inspired by 'Punky Sprouts'...check out their Design Teams inspiration Gallery pieces..You'll get inspired.

The front side.
This is the backside.
This Altered project was entered into the Punky Sprouts June Challenge .
I hope this inspires you to recyle those containers that can safely be altered to a thing of beauty and reuse.

It's OK to be different...God made us all unique and intricately made...if we all had the same ideas and looked alike can you imagine how boring we would be.  Let God love you where you are and you will see yourself Bloom.  It can be a good thing to be different, if you let it.. 

Thanks for visiting me, leave a comment..It's nice to know you stopped by.


Patricia Garcia said...

I love altered Projects, this pencil holder is awesome and I am sure you will get lots of use out of it!!


Megan Aaron said...

this is adorable!